G21 Regional Football (Soccer) Strategy 2023-2033


G21 Regional Football (Soccer) Strategy 2023-2033

Completed: 2023

Client: Football Victoria and G21 Geelong Region Alliance

Introduction: insideEDGE was engaged by Football Victoria to develop a refreshed G21 Regional Football Strategy – a comprehensive document outlining the vision and roadmap for the growth of football and futsal over the next decade. This updated Strategy takes into consideration the latest strategic frameworks from Football Victoria and Football Australia, with a specific focus on key areas such as Female Football, Facilities & Infrastructure, the Fair Access Policy and Club & Game Development.

Background: Football and futsal hold a special place in the heart of the G21 Region, with a rich history that spans generations. Building on this legacy, the Strategy aims to provide clear direction to support players, coaches, administrators, and volunteers who contribute to the region’s football community.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Women & Girls Football: With significant growth in recent years, the Strategy places a strong emphasis on providing equal opportunities and support for women and girls in football.
  • Fair Access Policy: Implementation of the Victorian Government’s Fair Access Policy ensures that football is accessible to everyone regardless of background, abilities, or gender.
  • Community Resilience: Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Strategy recognises the resilience and adaptability of the football community, aiming to build on these strengths.
  • Club Support: Recognising the diversity of clubs within the G21 region football community, the Strategy prioritises support for clubs to grow and develop sustainably.
  • Population Growth and Adaptability: As the G21 Region experiences significant population growth, the Strategy underscores the importance of meeting the changing needs and expectations of the community while providing a responsive and adaptable framework for football development.

Conclusion: The G21 Regional Football Strategy represents a collaborative effort involving the G21 Geelong Region Alliance, Local Government Authorities, Football Victoria staff, Geelong Region Football Committee, Clubs and the community. It provides a clear direction and plan for the future of football and futsal in the region.