8 Sports Programs
4 National Programs
11,000+ sites captured
Build strategy & infrastructure investment platforms
Deliver stakeholder & industry connectivity
Improve data quality access & use
Drive venue management & provision standards
Realise the value of facility data
Intergrate systems to create powerful analytics
Sports Facility Auditor (SFA) uses technology to capture data and report on sport and recreation facilities and assets anywhere in the world.
Is is the result of many years of working within the community sport sector and in the planning design, development and management of sports infrastructure. SFA helps to better understand asset and facility provision, condition, compliance and renewal requirements, all of which are essential in making informed strategic decisions and in guiding efficient resource allocation.
SFA provides custom built checklists and reports to meet sport specific facility requirements, guidelines and standards. Access levels, data collection and reporting processes are customised to meet individual client needs, providing a unique outcome and system for all types of users.