Completed: 2018 Client: Cricket Victoria Cricket Victoria is regularly asked to play a role and provide strategic and policy direction to local government, schools, associations and clubs in the planning and provision of cricket facilities. The VCIS aims to enhance the collaboration between all layers of the cricket community and government highlighting the important drivers of facility planning and investment in cricket. The VCIS provides the Victorian cricket community and its stakeholders with a detailed assessment and analysis of the Victorian cricket facility landscape (both metropolitan Melbourne and country Victoria) and identifies key future venue planning and development priorities for the 2018 to 2028 period. In addition to overarching State-wide infrastructure priorities, detailed assessment, strategic directions and recommendations have been provided for each of Cricket Victoria’s 16 Regions. The Strategy also provides a hierarchy for Victorian cricket facilities that includes facility development guidelines and recommended provision levels. Development of the VCIS included significant stakeholder engagement. The insideEDGE team travelled across the State to speak to both metropolitan Melbourne and rural government, cricket and community stakeholders. This extensive consultation program combined with our cutting edge facility audit, participation and mapping systems ensured Cricket Victoria was provided with an evidence based strategy to guide future cricket infrastructure planning and development across Victoria for the next 10 years. ‘insideEDGE were so experienced and professional and lead our organisation and stakeholders from analysing and scoping right through to a final strategy and implementation planning. I am raw html block. I am raw html block. I am raw html block.VICTORIAN CRICKET INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY (VCIS) 2018-2028
They provided us with leadership and confidence in our approach, and the Final Strategy has been so well received by our partners and stakeholders.’
– Annie Hateley, Partnerships and Government Relations Manager, Cricket Victoria.Sub-section A
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Click edit button to change this htmlSub-section C: Test Pilot Program
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